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What Andrew brings to the role

  • Has the experience, gravitas and interpersonal skills required to support the Lord Mayor in the vital mission of promoting a resurgent City at home and abroad.

  • Brings 30 years’ board level strategy and business connections to the Civic Team.

  • Is known for his effective communications and persuasive negotiating in the UK and internationally.

  • Will actively promote the Livery as the relevant, powerful and driving force for good in the City.

  • Has worked at Trustee level for national charities, with a track record of increasing awareness and raising funds.

  • Has the full support and commitment of his partner, Marian.

<h1><strong>Immediate Past Sheriff&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></h1> <h1><strong>of the City of London</strong></h1> <h1><strong>2022-23 </strong></h1> <h1><strong>Andrew Marsden<br /></strong><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></h1> Activities