13 July 2022
Looking forward to the next chapter

After nine months of campaigning, attending many events and meeting hundreds of liverymen, I was both humbled and delighted to be elected as Sheriff for the ensuing year at a packed Common Hall on a very warm and sunny 24th June. It was a truly wonderful day in every respect and I am looking forward to taking office with my fellow Sheriff, Alderman Alastair King, at the end of September.
The unique City of London
I have written and spoken on a number of occasions in the lead up to this auspicious moment, about the uniqueness of the structure of the City of London; the role that democracy has to play in its governance, and the powerful chemical make-up of the City's community - residents, businesses and Livery Companies. It is a remarkable thing to be a part of.
With the other expected candidates standing aside in the end my candidacy was uncontested, attracting endorsements from nearly 900 pre-supporters representing 109 Livery Companies, the Guilds and the City institutions, and it would have been all too easy to leave it at that. However, Common Hall was full of people who turned out to exercise their 550 year old democratic privilege to physically vote in the election as is required, and this despite the rail strikes that flanked the occasion, making it no simple task to attend. For that alone, I thank you.
Representing the City brand
Initially working to support the current Lord Mayor Vincent Keaveny, and then the probable incoming Lord Mayor, Nicholas Lyons, with my friend and Sheriff Elect Alderman Alastair King, my hope is that we can look forward to a period of enthusiastic cooperation and growth for The City. I hope there are opportunities to create jobs and prosperity, especially in the financial and professional services sectors, thereby enabling greater social mobility, inclusion, and equality of opportunity for all.
From the earliest days of my business career, The City has been my adopted home. After studying finance and corporate strategy, I have been fortunate to spend most of my career building valuable global brands for some of the world’s largest companies. Few people realise that today more than half the equity value of listed companies in the major markets is accounted for by intangible assets, like their brand’s reputation. Globally, this equates to some $75 trillion dollars.
Together with my knowledge of government communications, of trade and regulatory affairs, and of the charity sector, I see my role within this Civic Team as facilitating the growth of the City of London's global brand.
Preparing for the year ahead
Although in some ways I feel as though I have been preparing for this particular year serving the City in this very special role for a lifetime, now begins the task of setting out the detailed plans. Not least of which is organising my diary (with more than 150 engagements already in place between the end of September and mid-December), launching the traditional Shrieval Chain Appeal to raise the considerable funds required for its creation, getting the regalia and all the clothing made, and getting my business commitments sorted out, all in advance of our team's start date in twelve weeks time!
I thank my campaign team, especially its Chair, Sir Michael Bear, and my Agent Lars Andersen, as well as the overwhelming number of people from across the Livery and The City who signalled their early support for my candidature.
I am both honoured and humbled to accept the high office of Sheriff to which my fellow Liverymen have elected me. I am looking forward, accompanied by my partner Marian, a fellow Glazier, to working alongside Alastair and Corrinne his Consort in serving the Lord Mayor, the Livery, and The City, to the very best of my ability.
Thank you!
If you would like to contribute to Andrew’s Chain Appeal please contact lisa@andrewmarsdenconsulting.com for details.